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Aysha Griffin


Personal/Relationship Coaching

Creating Loving Relationships to Self, Others and Work

If you want real help to . . .

•  know who you are and what you want
•  experience freedom, peace, love and joy
•  live fully and abundantly alive to your gifts
•  know at your deepest level the Oneness we all share
. . . it would be my honor and pleasure to support you on your journey!

Emotional Pain? Get Help Now!

We live in a time of unprecedented stress:
Financial Losses • Break-Ups & Divorces •  Joblessness • Foreclosures • Uncertainty • Overload

It is also a time of great opportunity to overturn old patterns, let go of what no longer serves us, heal from our pain, and embrace our true nature.

Are you ready to discover the love and pleasure that are yours to enjoy? The power and unique gifts you are here, now, to share?

Winter 2011/2012 Special Rates

Click links to learn more:

What help can I get?
What does it cost?


Everyone has a “pain body,” as Eckhart Tolle calls the etheric emotional body that keeps us repeating – and stuck in – distressing, unhealthy situations. Sometimes our pain is so great we cannot imagine it ending. We are drowning in sorrow and negative thoughts and emotions, lost in the dark night of the soul.

Like physical pain, emotional pain indicates something needs to be tended to and healed. It is important to honor our grief and loss: “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” (Gibran). And it is also important to not add to our own pain, while making our way back to joy.

The pain body is acquired from wounding, abuses and traumas in our childhood; and even from previous generations. It is real, and evidenced in our stories – personal, inherited, and collective. It explains why we escalate conversations into arguments, overreact to a criticism, or feel depressed when we don’t get what we think we want or need. It manifests in blame, aggression and victimhood. It prevents us from taking control of the only thing we can control: our relationship to self, to our own soul, and to Spirit.

When our pain body is activated – by encounters or thoughts that re-trigger those wounded parts of self – we experience emotional pain. This pain is familiar and common to us all: fear, sadness, distress, discomfort and constriction. It originates in a lack of meeting the basic needs of our heart: attention, appreciation, acceptance and affection.

We seem to always search for – and sometimes try to demand – that another person fill our voids and heal our wounds... and there is often anger and sadness when they can’t. But no one else can fulfill the needs that were unfulfilled for us in childhood, or heal our wounds. Only we can, for our self.

We can come to know, understand, forgive and love those parts of self that need more love. We can see that blaming another can be used as an opportunity to embrace and transform our own pain, resulting in freedom and peace of heart and mind.

As we learn to cultivate The Witness Within, the old patterns of the pain body are released so true and lasting healing can take place, ending our own suffering and that of those around us. We are enabled and empowered to attract and choose love, happiness, relief, comfort and expansion.

As your coach, I guide you gently through the previously treacherous shoals of your emotional pain to a new, healthy, whole and loving relationship with your self. You come to know that you are not alone, and that you have all the attention, appreciation, acceptance and affection you need and want.


Do you want to attract that special “other” ... Enliven an existing relationship ... Get free from entanglements (without creating a catastrophe) ... Improve communications within your family, circle, or work group?

Is something impeding the flow of love for your self or another?

Let me help you discover what is blocking you, what you are committed to, and what you are willing to change to enjoy your healthiest, most-satisfying life.

To see what you are committed to,
all you have to do is look at what is showing up.

I am a Hendicks Institute certified Relationship Coach since 1999. I use both body-centered techniques (to tap into and unleash your body’s own wisdom) and a variety of awareness tools to give you the clarity and courage to make – and act on – the best decisions for you.

My own experience bears out the potential to finally and fully:

• fall in love with who you are

  1. realize your weight and fitness goals

  2. have the nurturing love and supportive relationships you want

  3. be present, joyful and grateful in each moment

After decades of seeking security and appreciation from other people, frozen with fear of abandonment and not really knowing “my own truth,” much less speaking it, I woke up in midlife . . . grateful and present for My Life, appreciating all that I’ve created to bring me to Now.


To learn more about Improving and Enlivening Your Relationships to Self, Others and your Work, visit

and join the conversation!

Stuck in the same issues?

Struggling with Money, Sex, Family?

Considering Separation or Divorce?

Wanting more joy in your life?

Email or call me for more information and to schedule an appointment.